Thursday, February 10, 2011

Love Is In The Air!!!

Lovely Black Dress
Its here!  Beautiful women, handsome men, meddlesome Peddlefeet shooting people in the butt…  Ah, its time for Loves in the Air!!  And of course, we all want to look our best, right?  We might just find that special someone!  Maybe you’ve already found them…  You still want to look good for them, right?! *Glares*
Well, now down to business, one of my favorite dresses for this time of year is the Lovely Black Dress with an Ever-Lovely Rose.  It’s lovely…!   moving right along.

Of course you can’t get the Forever-Lovely Rose unless your uber high level, cause it drops off the special holiday boss in Shadowfang Keep…  *Pout*

Lovely Red Dress
If you want a little red number then the Lovely Red Dress is the one for you!  It’s perfect for your date on Love Is In The Air, maybe out to a fancy dinner, or a walk in the moonlight in Darnassus or Silvermoon.

I personally love the color of this dress, its spunky, and the design is pretty while the girl wearing it can still pull off that, "Dude, I will punch your teeth out if you move any closer," thing, which sometimes is a good thing.  *Punches the air randomly* 

Lovely Blue Dress
  For something a little more… bluer, try the Lovely Blue Dress.  Blueness! Blues…clues?  *Giggles at her horrible joke*

This dress is more calm, pretty and, dare I say it, peppy.  *Nods*  Yep pretty and peppy, for those people who tend to babble on about one thing or another and before you know it everyone is staring at you...  Hey, what are you guys looking at?  *Is most likely being stared at....*

Annnyway, this is a nice dress to go dancing in or go for a walk at the beach!  It's gorgeous, and you wanna show it off. 

Lovely Purple Dress

And maybe if you want something a little more exotic on Love Is In The Air, try the Lovely Purple Dress.  Perfect for bringing out the highlights in your hair, and we all know your hair is one of the most all important things! -.o
Now besides your hair, this is a good dress for going to Dalaran, cause, the purples just go perfectly with the setting there!  And you could even add a nice Battered Jungle Hat!  Add to the whole, exotic thing.

Emberfire Robe
For those out there who don’t want to go with the rather skimpy Lovely dresses…?  I found that the Emberfire Robe (Level 85 thing…) is quite pretty, and it’s not quite as revealing.

This is a fairly extravagant dress, its pretty but you have to be high enough level to wear it.  So this dress is a tad demanding... It takes a special girl to wear it -.0
I rather like the way the gold goes with the white its a good combo for Love Is In The Air. 

Black Mageweave Rob
Also a Black Mageweave Robe is gorgeous (Level 37)! The dark coloration of this make it good for a peaceful walk at night, and really good for a rogue who needs to make a quick escape! *Sinks into the shadows*

But seriously, look at this and this about it in the moonlight. The purple is perfect and there isn't to much of it.  I wouldn't try and add anymore colors to this mix, because, to many colors and it could start to look gaudy.

Lovely Red Dress Combo
 WAIT!  Or you could put a shirt under the Lovely Dress…  Now, you’ll have to find the right shirt, but, granted you could do that… *Ponders…*  Seriously if you like the basic style of the Lovely Dresses, but not how revealing they are, this is a good option, because you still get the style without all the holes.

Basically you take a Lovely dress, in this case, a Lovely Red Dress, an I a Scarlet Filigreed Shirt under it with Red Mageweave Pants!  And Waaaaalaaaa!  *Sing songy*  You have a perfect Love Is In The Air outfit!!!

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